Pleuni Pennings, PhD

Assistant Professor
San Francisco State University
Department of Biology


When I was looking for a lab and topic for my PhD, I found that most experimental projects seemed fairly narrow to me. I decided to join a computational lab where I could work on mathematical models that could be relevant to many different organisms. I found out that I enjoyed modeling and that I was good at it, so I stuck with it!

  • Programming and/or math skills
  • Writing
  • Willing to learn new things
  • Patience
  • The ability to focus on a specific question even though you know there are many other open questions too

I learned most computer and math skills during my PhD. Some of it I learned from friends and collaborators, some from classes, some from reading papers. I am usually only motivated to learn when I need the skill for a project.

  • Why does HIV evolve to become drug resistant in some patients, but not in others?
  • Why are come combinations of drugs better at preventing the evolution of drug resistance then others?
  • In the future: Is it really always better to finish your course of antibiotics even though you already feel better?

I enjoy reading books and newspaper articles that are written for "lay" people more than reading scientific articles. These books and articles are not only fun to read, but they also give me ideas for my research.

I am looking for master's students to start in the fall of 2015.