I started from a pure biological background, with no intention to get into statistics or programming. Later on, I figured out that if I wanted to understand, at least superficially, how to answer my research questions, I needed to go deeper into both stats and coding. Naively, I started delving deeper into the methods and implementations of what I read. Because of the enjoyment it brings to be able to reproduce such algorithms, I just got sucked into it.

  • Statistics
  • Coding
  • Creativity
  • Discussion of ideas
  • Patience

R was taught in my undergraduate statistics course. This was very basic but helped me understand it's power. Since then, I would have to say, I have learned all my programming and stats by my own: trial and error, googling, and some books.

I'm very interested in how biodiversity is originated and maintained, and why is there so much spatial and temporal variance in biodiversity. I use phylogenetics and spatial analyses to tackle this questions.