I loved the idea of asking (and answering) biological questions using computational methods. As a math major, I always appreciated logic and computation. However, it wasn't until doing a summer research experience for undergraduates in mathematical modeling in biology that I appreciated how much could be learned about biology using computational methods. I've never looked back.

  • Patience
  • Organization
  • Meticulousness
  • Creativity
  • Collegiality

Nearly all of my computational skills were self-taught, with the assistance of my peers and supervisors. Quantitative skills got their start in undergraduate.

  • How do sex chromosomes evolve?
  • What drives mutation rate differences between males and females?
  • Which mutations occur primarily due to errors in replication, and which occur independent of replication?
  • Under what conditions does genetic sex determination evolve?

I am recruiting graduate students, postdocs, and programmers!